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The 29th “Saalburg” Summer School will take place
4 September – 15 September 2023 in Bayrischzell, Bayern.

The Organizers:
- Laura Covi, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
- Arthur Hebecker, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
- Olaf Lechtenfeld, Leibniz Universität Hannover
- Ivo Sachs, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
- Stefan Theisen, Albert-Einstein-Institut Potsdam
The school is generously supported by the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation.
Lecture Program:
Paolo Benincasa (MPI Munich) | Amplitudes meets Cosmology |
Renate Loll (Nijmegen) | Quantum Gravity |
Miguel Montero (Harvard & IFT Madrid) | Swampland: Quantum Gravity constraints at low energies |
Jan Plefka (HU-Berlin) | Classical black hole scattering from quantum field theory |
Ana Maria Raclariu (Amsterdam) | Asymptotic symmetries and flat space holography |
The instruction language is English.
Some lecture notes may appear later and will be made available here
Recommended Literature:
- Benincasa:
D. Anninos, De Sitter Musings, arXiv: 1205.3855 [hep-th]
D.Baumann et al, Snowmass White Paper: The Cosmological Bootstrap,
arXiv: 2203.08121 [hep-th]
P. Benincasa, Amplitudes Meet Cosmology: A (Scalar) Primer, arXiv: 2203.15330 [hep-th]
S. Albayrak, P. Benincasa, C. Duaso Pueyo, arXiv:2305.19686 [hep-th]
- Loll:
R. Loll, G. Fabiano, D. Frattulillo and F. Wagner: Quantum gravity in 30 questions,
R. Loll: Quantum gravity from Causal Dynamical Triangulations, a review,
J. Ambjorn, A. Görlich, J. Jurkiewicz and R. Loll: Nonperturbative quantum gravity, - Montero:
Eran Palti: The Swampland: Introduction and Review
A. van Beest, J. Calderon-Infante, D. Mirfendereski and I. Valenzuela:
Lectures on the Swampland Program in String Compactifications
- Plefka:
G. Jakobsen, Gravitational Scattering of Compact Bodies from Worldline Quantum Field
Jan Plefka’s lecture notes
- Raclariu:
Ana Maria Raclariu: Lectures on Celestial Holography
S. Pasterski and S.-H. Shao: A Conformal Basis for Flat Space Amplitudes
Daniel Kapec, Malcolm Perry, Ana-Maria Raclariu and Andrew Strominger:
Infrared Divergences in QED, Revisited
Leonardo Pipolo de Gioia and Ana-Maria Raclariu: Celestial Sector in CFT:
Conformally Soft Symmetries